Financial Aid

Within the available resources of the CRA, the CRA will provide Financial Aid (F/A) for any youth, adult or senior who desires to participate at the CRA and who understands the full benefits of the CRA. Those prospective members not able to pay the full fee may be awarded partial F/A based on their demonstrated ability to pay and the CRA’s ability to fund the subsidy. The CRA reserves the right to deny or discontinue service at any time.

Financial Aid Form



  • Assistance will be granted on the basis of financial need resulting from low income. The CRA must be notified immediately if a change in income is experienced during the assistance period.
  • Applicants must provide proof of income for the entire household, not just the income of those who wish to apply from the same home.
  • Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to provide a written thank you letter to the contributors of the CRA with this application.
  • Applicants may be asked to provide volunteer service to the CRA.
  • The CRA believes a strong sense of ownership and pride is developed if the F/A recipient has contributed to the cost of his/her CRA involvement. Therefore, applicants will be asked to pay a portion of the fees.
  • F/A can be granted for annual youth memberships, youth sports, youth camps, and summer camp. Applicants may reapply at the end of the assistance period.
  • Applicants with a prior balance due are not eligible to receive F/A.

How do I apply for Financial Aid?

  • Only the Executive Director or appointed designee is authorized to grant partial scholarships for low income. All records are kept confidential.
  • F/A and membership applications must be completed before an award will be made.
  • A written form of documentation indicating current household income will be required at the time of application. One (1) month current pay stubs, verification of food stamps, Social Security assistance and child support must be submitted along with this application.
  • Copies of documentation must be provided.
  • Applicants must be returned in person, the CRA will not accept any application through the mail.
  • Applicants will be notified of Financial Aid approval/denial by mail or phone call.
  • Application must be filled out and submitted to the CRA at least one full week in advance of program start.